Tania has been writing award-winning, non-fiction articles about horses for 40 years.  As a journalist, she has interviewed high profile figures in competition, philanthropy, medicine, and reported on shows here, in the Caribbean and in the UK. Also, many years as a photographer shooting article subjects has given her focus.  Between keeping horses fit and sound for hunting, polo or eventing - and studying equine anatomy for accurate photographs -  appraisals link nicely!

Some print outlets and sites for which I’ve written:
Fox Sports (Caribbean)/Sports Illustrated, Quest NYC, Sculpture Mag,  Ann Arbor News, Ypsi Press, Detroit Free Press

Specifically Equestrian:
The Chronicle of the Horse; Untacked; Polo Quarterly International; Polo Players’ Edition; American Quarterhorse Journal; American Paint Horse Journal; DressageDaily.com; Michigan Thoroughbred; Great Lakes Horse Sports.com and others. I produced and edited the online magazine Great Lakes Horse Sports (www.greatlakeshorsesports.com) 2007-2010. 

Links to a few of Tania Evans' articles published in national and international magazines:

Saving the Skyrian Horse
Equine Art - Stolen and Found
Leonardo's Horse - 500 Years in the Making
Spinal Injuries Start at the Track
Sculpture Garden Opens
Joost Peters - Music for Freestyle
Pan Am Games in the Dominican Republic
Michigan Polo
Training the Police Horse
Degas' Horses in Bronze
Book Review - van Nassau
Impulsive Gets Lucky
Sculpture in Grand Rapids: Interviews with Fred and Lena Meijer, grocery magnates and art patrons